What is xDash ?
xDash allows technicians, scientists or engineers, not specialists in web technologies, to build and share their own interactive web applications.
With xDash you may aggregate Restful APIs together with JavaScript or Python codes and link them to widgets in order to build rich and responsive dashboards. The user experience is similar to rapid prototyping tools.
APIs, Python, JavaScript and data aggregation
Use a synchronous-reactive execution engine to connect Restful APIs, data and files. A workspace of JSON variables is maintained.
Drag-and-drop dashboard edition
Drag and drop widgets to quickly build your dashboard. Connect them to JSON variables workspace.

Application logic
Application is programmed in xDash by creating and connecting operations called dataNodes. Execution engine relies on a synchronous/reactive language, executed on a direct acyclic graph of dataNodes. The only concept you have to know is that of JSON variable used to build your xDash application.

Application building blocks
DataNodes are application building blocks. They may execute JavaScript or Python code, call Restful webservices, load a JSON or a CSV file. Real-time connectivity features include timed execution, web-sockets and MQTT. Map-matching or gpx to geoJSON conversion functions are also available.

Intuitive dashboard edition
Use drag-and-drop to build rich and responsive dashboards. Then connect them to JSON variables workspace.
A wide variety of widgets is available, from simple sliders and checkboxes to rich Plotly, Echarts, Vega and LeafletJS libraries.

Share your Python algorithms
Build a dashboard for your Python code, the same way as for APIs. The Python code is automatically made accessible as a web-service hosted in a dedicated Docker container. No specific code or skill is required to achieve this.

Share your simulators
In just a few clicks, create a digital twin-model of your dynamic simulator, accessible as REST API. The simulator only needs to be compliant to the FMI standard, with Windows binaries.
xDash provides the necessary features for changing parameters, monitoring simulation state and displaying results.
Live demos
- All
- Mobility
- Python
- Environmental monitoring
- Open data